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Northwestern University Laser and Electronics Design Core Facility

Northwestern University Laser and Electronics Design Core Facility (NU-LED), is formed after merging  Electronics and Laser Systems Core and the Electronics Design Shop. The facility assist researchers in design and fabrication of electronics and optical systems. Laser and Electronics Design Core Facility primarily serves various research projects, including  graduate and undergraduate fabricators, as well as staff and faculty.

The facility provides services in the design of custom electronics hardware, component selection, schematic preparation, and development of hardware.

NU-LED is an open access facility,  students and postdocs can utilize a library of electronic testing/fabrication equipment, soldering station, development kits and general purpose components maintained by the facility. 

Equipment & Services

The Northwestern University Laser and Electronics Design core facility is equipped with multiple lab benches, with test instruments and soldering work stations. The equipment available with the facility include the following. 


The facility offers free training workshops and one-on-one sessions. Introductory training workshops on LabVIEW, FPGA Based Design are offered twice a year.


Northwestern Technological Institute
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, Il, 60208
Ground Floor, N Wing, NG36


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